
To understand that treatment of the human structure requires an approach that encompasses the total structure.  Areas beyond the joint articulation must be evaluated and altered for complete healing to occur.  This of course expresses the relationship of soft tissue ( muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascial system) to function and dysfunction of the spine and extremities.  IT develops the concepts that the movements of joints and soft tissues of the body are directly related and continuous the body.  Use of manual methods can help to reduce peripheral neural and vascular entrapments, fascial, muscle, tendon, and ligamentous restrictions.

Lets face it, you get out what you put in.  In addition to manual therapies there is a nutritional component as well.  Healing after injury requires Raw Material.  Unfortunately, treatment and rehab is not the whole story.  Your body needs 90 nutrients everyday and in complete numbers and optimal amounts.  You need 60 essential minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 3 fatty acids.  “Essential” simply means your body cannot produce these items and will develop a deficiency- related disease without proper diet or supplementation.  You simply will not get the needed Raw Material from your four food groups unless you grow your own food and supplement the soil with minerals.
Together we can create an effective solution to the relentless forces ( gravity, injury, posture, activity) of life.  It is unnecessary to be suffer.  Whether you sit, stand, run or ride all day don’t be a victim of needless human suffering.